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Exploration guide of Ancenis district for the inhabitants of the future



(France 2017/2018)Produced by La Paperie CNAREP, in collaboration with L’Écumerie.

This project was ordered by a theater linked to a rural municipality. It was asked to work for a children audience. We worked for one year (1 week each two month). During the first phase of scouting, the idea of an exploration guide was born, a collection of subjective drawings, lived stories, extra- ordinarystories, impossible journeys, daily trajectories. A collection that would invite to walk and observe, which would take people from marked paths.
We worked on how a child could take his or her parents by the hand and guide them into the landscape. During the presentation phase, we
imagined a guide to give to the children and a toolbox. This guide will be read by him or by his parents, depending on the page, and while
walking along the way, scenes will appear with local inhabitants involved, scenes where the child could participate in with the content of his toolbox. The fiction was asking him to help creating a guide for a inhabitant of the future, asking different questions depending when the future is, if it’s in 1 years, in 10 years, in 1000 years.

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