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We did school activities, telling the children to help us to find them,
going on the field with them, and finally finding them. We also published articles in newspapers, and met a lot of adults in our research, still acting as trackers. No one knew exactly what a beacon looked like, so we were playing on this ambiguity, and finally creating something connected to the locals’ expectations. We work with seniors telling them the true project to collect things from the past and put them inside the beacon we’ve built. Finally during a final ceremony, the children decided to send them to the future. They filled them with their description of today’s landscape and environment (that we were preparing during the year) and we left them on the wood and in the water for them to disappear until next time. We actually hide them into the ex-mayor attic and as he is also the president of an association of the memorie of the region, he promises to make them appear again in the future.

A group of beacon trackers has arrived in the municipalities of Vallons de l’Erdre and Le Pin. According to their information, beacons will reappear in the surroundings.It was children of the past who sent them and only children of todaycan find them. That’s why they will all have to team up with children and explore the land.


This project happened during a year in a rural area. We spread a rumor : beacons were going to appear. During one year we performed trackers (half scientist half trapper) that we missionned to find them.


TERRITORY : COMPA (Communauté de Commune du Pays d’Ancenis), Les Vallon de L'Erdre et Le Pin.


Artists : Zelda Soussan, Rajh Sevagamy, Marie Delaire, Capuccine Dufour.

Photographie : Rajh Sevagamy







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